A Complete Guide to Template Literals in JavaScript

A Complete Guide to Template Literals in JavaScript

Understanding Template Literals in JavaScript

Template literals are a powerful feature in JavaScript that allow you to embed expressions directly into strings. They make working with strings more flexible and efficient, especially when dealing with dynamic values. This blog will explore the syntax, use cases, and examples of template literals, helping you harness their potential in your code.

What Are Template Literals?

Template literals are used to embed expressions within strings. They are defined using backticks (` ) instead of single or double quotes.

Key Features:

  • Embed expressions: Easily include variables or expressions inside a string.

  • Multi-line strings: Support for multi-line string literals without needing concatenation.

  • String interpolation: Avoid messy concatenation with + and extra quotes.


The basic syntax of a template literal is as follows:

`Text with embedded expression: ${expression}`

How It Works:

  1. The expression inside ${} is evaluated first.

  2. The result of the evaluation is embedded into the string.

  3. The final string is calculated and ready for use.


let price = 100;
let tax = 18;
console.log(`Total cost is: ${price + tax}`);


Total cost is: 118

Why Use Template Literals?

Before template literals, embedding variables into strings required cumbersome syntax. For example:

let name = "John";
console.log("Hello, " + name + "! Welcome to the course.");

This approach involves:

  • Using concatenation with +

  • Adding extra quotes for formatting

Using Template Literals:

let name = "John";
console.log(`Hello, ${name}! Welcome to the course.`);


Hello, John! Welcome to the course.

Template literals make the code cleaner, shorter, and easier to read.


Example 1: Dynamic Pricing

Define prices for different items and calculate the total dynamically.

let pencilPrice = 5;
let eraserPrice = 3;
console.log(`Pencil Price: $${pencilPrice}, Eraser Price: $${eraserPrice}, Total: $${pencilPrice + eraserPrice}`);


Pencil Price: $5, Eraser Price: $3, Total: $8

Example 2: Multi-line Strings

With template literals, you can write multi-line strings without concatenation or escape characters.

let message = `Hello,
This is a multi-line string.
Enjoy coding with template literals!`;


This is a multi-line string.
Enjoy coding with template literals!

Explaining the Code

Example: Calculating Discounts

let originalPrice = 100;
let discount = 20;
console.log(`Original Price: $${originalPrice}, Discount: $${discount}, Final Price: $${originalPrice - discount}`);


Original Price: $100, Discount: $20, Final Price: $80

In this example:

  • ${originalPrice} embeds the original price into the string.

  • ${discount} adds the discount value.

  • ${originalPrice - discount} calculates the final price dynamically.

Key Takeaways

  • Cleaner syntax: Avoid concatenation and extra quotes.

  • Dynamic content: Easily embed expressions into strings.

  • Multi-line support: Simplify working with multi-line strings.

Practice Questions

  1. Write a program to calculate the area of a rectangle using template literals.

  2. Use template literals to display a personalized greeting with a name and favorite hobby.

  3. Create a multi-line string that explains the benefits of learning JavaScript.