How to Use Comparison Operators in JavaScript

How to Use Comparison Operators in JavaScript

Understanding Comparison Operators in JavaScript

Comparison operators are essential tools in JavaScript, used to compare two values and determine relationships like equality, inequality, or size. These operators return a boolean value: true or false.

Common Comparison Operators

Here’s a quick overview of the primary comparison operators:

>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
==Equal to (value only)
!=Not equal to
===Strict equal to (value and type)
!==Strict not equal to

Using Comparison Operators in Code

Example: Checking if Age is Greater than 18

To determine whether someone is older than 18:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 23;
console.log(age > 18); // true

Here, age > 18 evaluates to true because 23 is indeed greater than 18.

Operator: > (Greater Than)

The > operator checks if the left-hand side value is greater than the right-hand side. If it’s not, the result will be false.

Example Code:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 18;
console.log(age > 18); // false



Operator: >= (Greater Than or Equal To)

This operator returns true if the left-hand side is greater than or equal to the right-hand side.

Example Code:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 18;
console.log(age >= 18); // true



Operator: < (Less Than)

The < operator checks if the left-hand side value is less than the right-hand side.

Example Code:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 16;
console.log(age < 18); // true



Operator: <= (Less Than or Equal To)

This operator returns true if the left-hand side is less than or equal to the right-hand side.

Example Code:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 18;
console.log(age <= 18); // true



Equality Operators

Operator: == (Equal To)

The == operator compares only the value, ignoring the type.


javascriptCopyEditlet num = 5;
let str = "5";
console.log(num == str); // true

In this case, the number 5 and the string "5" are considered equal because their values are the same, despite having different types.

Operator: != (Not Equal To)

This checks if two values are not equal.


javascriptCopyEditlet num = 5;
let str = "4";
console.log(num != str); // true

Here, 5 is not equal to "4", so the result is true.

Operator: === (Strict Equal To)

The === operator checks both value and type. This is useful for strict comparisons.


javascriptCopyEditlet num = 5;
let str = "5";
console.log(num === str); // false

Since num is a number and str is a string, their types don’t match, and the result is fa


Operator: !== (Strict Not Equal To)

This operator ensures that both value and type are not equal.


javascriptCopyEditlet num = 5;
let str = "5";
console.log(num !== str); // true

Even though the values match, their types differ, so the result is true.

Important Notes

  1. Type Coercion with ==: When using ==, JavaScript performs type coercion. For instance:

     javascriptCopyEditconsole.log(5 == "5"); // true
  2. Strict Equality with ===: To avoid type coercion, use === for comparisons:

     javascriptCopyEditconsole.log(5 === "5"); // false
  3. String Comparisons: Comparisons work for strings too, based on lexicographical order:

     javascriptCopyEditconsole.log("apple" < "banana"); // true

Final Example: Using Comparison Operators in a Conditional

Here’s how you can use comparison operators in a real-world example:

javascriptCopyEditlet age = 20;

// Check if the person is a teenager
if (age >= 13 && age <= 19) {
    console.log("You're a teenager.");
} else {
    console.log("You're not a teenager.");


You're not a teenager.

Understanding the === (Triple Equals) Operator in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the === operator is a special type of comparison operator designed for strict comparisons. It ensures that both the value and the type of the compared entities match.

If you need to compare two variables in a way that accounts for both their value and type, the === operator is your go-to solution.

Why Use the === Operator?

Unlike the == operator, which performs type coercion (automatically converting one data type to another to compare values), the === operator checks the exact value and type.

  • == compares only the value.

  • === compares both the value and type.